1. Anyone have any cheese pizza? - 4ChanArchives
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Archived content from 4chan's /b/ - Random
2. I think it's sort of based on the fact that "cheese pizza" is 4chan slang for ch...
Nov 24, 2016 · "Cheese pizza" is 4chan slang for child porn, and there was a picture sent by podesta of an immigrant child (and her family) eating pizza with a title like " ...
shawabawa3 on Nov 24, 2016 | parent | context | favorite | on: Reddit’s CEO edited comments that criticized him
3. Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories - The New York Times
Dec 10, 2016 · A participant on 4chan connected the phrase “cheese pizza” to pedophiles, who on chat boards use the initials “c.p.” to denote child pornography ...
PizzaGate: How a rumor grew into a fake news storm tailor-made for the internet.
4. R1: Apple strudel VS Cheese Pizza [Archive] - The Giraffe Boards
Aug 5, 2016 · Do you mean cheese pizza with cheese made from human milk? ... On some sites (like 4chan), CP is a short way of saying "Child Pornography".
[Archive] R1: Apple strudel VS Cheese Pizza The Ultimate Megapoll Forum
5. 185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan - Funnyjunk
I remember the cheese pizza and captain planet days! - #185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan.
I remember the cheese pizza and captain planet days! - #185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan
6. Four Cheese Pizza - Banza pasta
Missing: 4chan | Show results with:4chan
Banza protein pizza is the nutrient-dense, gluten free pizza that looks, cooks, and tastes like traditional pizza. The lower carb pizza crust is made from chickpeas, making it a fantastic source of fiber and protein.
7. How Twitter outrage hatches in tiny fringe groups on 4chan and Reddit
Nov 10, 2017 · Trump and 4chan's far-right fringe message board… and which wound up confabulated into PizzaGate by somebody on 4chan who connected the phrase “ ...
See AlsoWisconsin Volleyball TittiesCommunities within 4chan and Reddit are veritable hatcheries for Twitter-borne fakery
8. Cheese Pizza | Post CP | Know Your Meme
Post CP - Cheese Pizza. Share Pin · d ProtecGos rotection. View All 45 Images. More: Cheese Pizza · Melty Thin Crust Ch Stephen Hamil. Share Pin.
See more 'Post CP' images on Know Your Meme!
9. Google AI Search is Telling Users To Put Glue On Pizza Because It's ...
May 23, 2024 · The Best Pizza Cheese Glue Reviews May 2024! Buy Discount Pizza ... That's why I ask for advice on 4chan. I learned a great way to ...
Google pays Reddit $60 million a year to train its AI on posts on Reddit, and it looks like Google's AI is now pulling directly from the dregs of the internet. Google's AI overview for "cheese not sticking to pizza" is brilliant information it got from an 11-year-old Reddit post....
10. Post-Truth Protest: How 4chan Cooked Up the Pizzagate Bullshit
Aug 15, 2018 · It was noticed that several of Podesta's e-mails, for example, mentioned the phrase 'cheese pizza' (see Image 5), which on 4chan had long been ...
IntroductionOn 4 December 2016, a man entered a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor armed with an AR-15 assault rifle in an attempt to save the victims of an alleged satanic pedophilia ring run by prominent members of the Democratic Party. While the story had already been discredited (LaCapria), at the time of the incident, nearly half of Trump voters were found to give a measure of credence to the same rumors that had apparently inspired the gunman (Frankovic). Was we will discuss here, the bizarre conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" had in fact originated a month earlier on 4chan/pol/, a message forum whose very raison d’être is to protest against “political correctness” of the liberal establishment, and which had recently become a hub for “loose coordination” amongst members the insurgent US ‘alt-right’ movement (Hawley 48). Over a period of 25 hours beginning on 3 November 2016, contributors to the /pol/ forum combed through a cache of private e-mails belonging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, obtained by Russian hackers (Franceschi-Bicchierai) and leaked by Julian Assange (Wikileaks). In this short time period contributors to the forum thus constructed the basic elements of a narrative that would be amplified by a newly formed “right-wing media network”, in which the “repetition, variation, and circulation” of “repeated falsehoods” may be understood as an “important driver towards a ‘post-truth’ world” (Benkler et al). Heavily promoted by a new class of...
11. Pizzagate - RationalWiki
Anti-Clinton conspiracy theorists and online trolls congregating on Reddit and 4chan decided that the words “pizza” and “cheese” in these emails were code for ...
Pizzagate is the (admittedly rather silly and unoriginal) name of an actual conspiracy theory claiming that Hillary Clinton is secretly involved in a pedophile ring centered around a pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C.[1] This outlandish theory was spawned from a highly peculiar pattern-analytical reading of the hacked emails leaked by Wikileaks belonging to John Podesta, then-manager of Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, as the highly suspect code phrase "cheese pizza" figured among said correspondence.[2][3] The fact that the mention of cheese pizza was much more interesting to some people than the actual emails of any possible importance whatsoever says something about the conspiracy crowd.[note 1]
12. ck/ - It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out t - Food & Cooking - 4chan
It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out that you CAN out pizza the Hut. - "/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and ...
It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out that you CAN out pizza the Hut. - "/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.